About the Story


Mind Destroyer

Genre: Science Fiction, Action, Suspense

Summary: Lacey Vance was born with incredible and unique mental abilities, unaware of the power that she possesses. That is, until she is taken away to a faraway medical research facility where children like her are held in captivity while doctors strive to find cures for their mutations. In a state of ignorant bliss, Lacey goes on living what she assumes to be a normal life in her strange new home. But when she is told of these abilities and a terrible plan that could result in a shocking amount of deaths, Lacey is left with no choice but to run away and seek help for the others like her, before it’s too late. Unfortunately for her, freedom is harder to hold onto than it is to achieve, and Lacey’s motives are questioned when she discovers her own power, and along with it, a dark secret.

Rated: PG-13/T for language, violence, the use of superpowers for inhumane purposes, actiony fight scenes, and dark themes and ideas that may frighten innocent-minded children

Status: Chapter Two: Veritas (Truth) published in February, Chapter Three: Captivus (Captive) in slow progress

Predicted Overall Length: 15-20 chapters

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